Providing Alternative Dispute Resolution and Mediation Services Across Illinois
In Illinois, the Uniform Mediation Act defines mediation as a process in which a mediator acts as a neutral third-party and facilitates confidential communication and negotiation between parties in working toward a voluntary agreement regarding their dispute. Beck & Houlihan, P.C., is a preeminent law firm for alternative dispute resolution (ADR), collaborative law, and mediation in northern Illinois. We assist clients in resolving conflicts as cost effectively and collaboratively as possible. Because of our extensive experience in a diverse range of family-related legal issues (divorce, parentage, child support and others), our attorneys understand the importance of trying to resolve family issues without the involvement of the courts.
Our services allow clients to make important decisions about parenting schedules, parenting decision-making, financial decisions related to divorce, and the necessities of child support in a calm and conflict-free setting where the process and goals are made clear. In mediation, you are in charge of making the decisions pursuant to any agreements, but your attorney advises you extensively in preparation for the process and finalizes all of the important documents. In Illinois, an attorney may also accompany you and participate in the mediation. When you work with Beck & Houlihan, P.C., you will be confident, informed and ready for the best outcome through the mediation process.
Pre-Decree Mediation
Pre-decree mediation correlates to mediation that occurs before a divorce is finalized. This can cover a wide range of issues that pertain to divorce, starting with the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, any necessary petitions for a temporary parenting plan, and other matters. It is particularly helpful if you and the other party want to try mediation to resolve any disagreement regarding the allocation of parenting decision-making and parenting time before you are provided with a final judgment or order. Mediation can save time and money when you are going through a family law dispute and want to find common ground together.
Mediation in Post-Decree Matters
Post-decree mediation covers everything after the judge signs the Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage, such as a settlement agreement, any modifications to your parenting plan, and other family law matters. If you and the other party want to modify the court order, or any parenting plan, mediation can be helpful in helping you both come to an agreed proposed modification and resolve the issues when you have an existing case or order concerning parenting decision-making and parenting time or other family law matters.
Contact Our Dedicated Illinois Mediation Law Firm
Family law attorney Joseph M. Beck is one of the leading mediators in Illinois. He has been recognized as a member of the Leading Lawyers Network in the areas of ADR and family law. He is frequently appointed by the judiciary to mediate a variety of pre-decree and post-decree family law issues. If you are facing any family law-related issues, contact us at 630-398-3185 to schedule a consultation