Compassionate Lawyers and Advocates for Adoption in Wheaton
For many, the prospect of adding to their families by adopting a child is exciting. However, complicated legal requirements can make the process slow and confusing, necessitating the assistance of an experienced family law attorney.
The skilled legal professionals at Beck & Houlihan, P.C. can help you if you are interested in pursuing adoption. Our attorneys will guide you through each step to help you build your family using over 105 years of collective experience in family law matters. Our firm is well respected in the legal community for our work serving families in Illinois.
Parental Surrender and Types of Adoption
Parents can consent to adoption, or surrender or waiver their parental rights, on a voluntary basis. Specifically, a child is available for adoption if:
- Surrendered for adoption to agency (and agency places the child up for adoption)
- Parents authorized the adoption by law
- The child is in the custody of people who intend to adopt them (i.e., the child’s parents placed them there)
- Their parent(s) signed the required consent
- They have been relinquished for adoption
Who Can Adopt
The Adoption Act provides the main guidelines for adoption in Illinois. Anyone who is not under a legal disability may institute an adoption proceeding, provided that they meet the following requirements:
- Have resided in Illinois for at least six months or be a member of the armed forces who has resided in the state for at least 90 days (unless it is an adoption of a related child or a child placed by the child welfare agency)
- Be of legal age (or a minor which the court grants leave upon good cause shown)
- If married, not have lived separate and apart from their spouse for 12 months or longer (and spouse agrees to be a party to the adoption proceeding)
- Receive some type of recognition as a reputable person
The Adoption Process
Someone interested in adoption typically starts the process by filing a petition. Once you file a petition, the proceeding to adopt must commence within 30 days after the child becomes available. A series of procedures then take place, including providing notice to the biological parents of the child and conducting a hearing and an investigation regarding fitness of the adoptive parent(s). If this process is successful, the court enters a judgment of adoption.
A petition to adopt must state:
- The full names of petitioners and respective ages
- The place of residence of petitioners and length of residence in Illinois
- When petitioners acquired or intend to acquire custody and from whom (agency or other parties)
- Details about child, including name, sex, place and date of birth
- The relationship of child to petitioner (if applicable)
- Names and residence of parents
- The name of guardian or relative (if applicable)
- The name to be given to the child
- Consent to adoption
The petition also must include any orders, judgments, or decrees that have been entered by a court affecting adoption or custody of child.
Contact Our Wheaton Adoption Attorneys
We understand how difficult and lengthy the process of adoption can be, and we are on your side to ensure that everything is done correctly to ensure a smooth transition for your family. Contact Beck & Houlihan, P.C., at 630-398-3185 to learn more about our commitment to family law services.