More Than 105 Combined Years Of Experience At Your Side In Illinois

Professional Collaborative Law Attorneys Serving Parties in Complex Disputes Across Illinois

Many people do not realize law has a cooperative, less adversarial side to it that does not involve stressful litigation. The most common alternatives for conflict resolution are collaborative law and mediation, this collaborative process is typically less expensive and more stable in terms of a couple figuring out future plans, particularly if parenting decision-making, parenting timespousal support, or child support are involved. The legal professionals at Beck & Houlihan, P.C., have extensive experience working in collaborative law. Reach out to our attorneys to discover how we can be of assistance in your case.

The Collaborative Process

Collaborative law and mediation are a means of working out your differences as a couple outside of the courtroom by working with your attorneys and other third-party professionals (such as psychologists, accountants, business appraisers, and others) if and when their assistance is needed. This typically allows couples to go through a dispute resolution process to negotiate the terms of a settlement that best serves their needs or those of their children without the adversarial nature of litigation. Typically, couples start the information-sharing aspect of the collaborative process by completing disclosure statements similar to affidavits, a process that would otherwise be handled by discovery in bringing your dispute to court. The settlement that comes out of collaborative law can cover all the factors that a judge can decide in court during a divorce or parentage proceeding, including but not limited to:

  • Parenting Decision-making and Parenting Time
  • Child support
  • Maintenance (spousal support/alimony)
  • Division of assets and property
  • Division of marital debt

A collaborative resolution allows couples to structure the agreement as they see fit without the involvement of a judge.

​In mediation, one of our attorneys can be a neutral third party. It is our belief that with our help, clients are provided with an experienced professional who can work with families to allow them to gain control over the issues in dispute. Our attorneys help clients understand their own and others’ needs, as well as how to communicate those needs and come up with relevant settlement terms. A resolution by either the collaborative process or mediation can be handled in a matter of months and usually at a fraction of the cost. Many people find that this provides for a much healthier, more permanent post-divorce environment moving forward. If the collaborative process or mediation does not work out for a particular couple, both parties still retain their right to go to court to handle the dispute.

Our Focus is Collaborative Law and Mediation

​The collaborative process is most effective when the attorneys involved have the legal experience associated with whatever area they are discussing, as well as experience representing clients. Beck & Houlihan, P.C., is a preeminent law firm known for alternative dispute resolution and mediation. Firm founder Joseph M. Beck is one of the leading mediators in the State of Illinois. Contact us at 630-398-3185 to learn more about collaborative law and/or mediation services and how we can help you.